Daniel Wentsch

Ravennaschlucht from the train

Grateful to live in a place where it only takes you 30 minutes by local train to get up to a mountain lake and escape the heat.

Why I don't stay with Arc by The Browser Company... yet

Arc browser is an exciting new app made by The Browser Company. It's made with an enormous amount of love for detail, and they're inventing great new ideas. I won't cover these here, but instead focus on what is holding me back from really using Arc. I'm aware this is a very early stage and things …

Kunst am Hirzberg

Dear Diary, I had fun in kindergarten this afternoon.

We live by the river

Spending Sunday afternoon at the Dreisam.

Fontshare: Quality Fonts. Free.

Fontshare is a fantastic collection of high-quality great free-to-use fonts.

Pont de l’Abîme

The Pont de l’Abîme is a nice old bridge over the Chéran river in the Haute-Savoie region in France. Lovely spot to spend a night on the way south.

What Statamic’s SAVE_CACHED_IMAGES really does

I think I got SAVE_CACHED_IMAGES in Statamic wrong the whole time. I thought it's about whether Glide-generated images are kept when clearing caches. Assuming I got it right, this is what it really does: when set to true All image presets defined in assets.php will be generated on uploadAll Glide …

Setup Statamic Static Caching for super fast websites

Setting up Static Caching in Statamic isn't too hard and brings a huge performance boost. Here are the steps I had to take to enable it both locally with Laravel Valet and on a production server managed through Laravel Forge. Enable and configure NginxEnable Static caching by setting …

Make Alpine 3 support legacy browsers

Today I learned that AlpineJS 3.x uses queueMicrotask – and that that’s an API not supported in Firefox < 69 and Safari < 12.1 (see caniuse for full support information). Luckily, this can easily be polyfilled: if (typeof window.queueMicrotask !== "function") { window.queueMicrotask = function …